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      Early music courses for kids

      Early music covers various game-based activities that expose 0-5 year old children to the foundations of music. While early music courses may foster an appreciation for music in your child, there are wider benefits of using music to promote holistic development across language, literacy, psychomotor, cognition and socio-emotional skills. Music contains rules for ordering notes, chords and intervals, and then transforms these elements into complex structures that communicate emotion. Language also shares these features which is why developing the musical brain translates directly into developing the part of the brain used to process language. The emotional impact that music has on a child has a profoundly positive influence on social and emotional development allowing a child to self-identify and express oneself more clearly and confidently. This lays the groundwork for stronger resiliency and better stress management in later life.

      Songs and rhymes can be used to introduce early learners to key musicianship skills such as pitch, pulse, musical memory, and rhythm in order to develop the ear of young musicians. Early music courses tend to incorporate movement such as drumming and dance in order to reinforce elements of pulse, rhythm and self-expression. Musical playgroups also offer socialization benefits and parent-child bonding opportunities. And of course, early learners adore memorizing singing repertoire such as themes from Disney movies and Broadway musicals.

      Sometimes our education centre partners also include these activities directly under Music so please do check this link for more early music activity recommendations.

      The benefits of early music for children include

      • building memorization skills
      • enhancing cognitive development particularly in the area of language processing
      • improving communication and social skills
      • increasing engagement levels and confidence
      • promoting emotional development, self-awareness and feeling identification
      • developing fine and gross motor skills
      • improving adaptability and resiliency when making the transition to school
